DragonBall Z

DragonBall Z
This is the Dragon... Dragonball Z. An anime show highlighting some of the best that human imagination has to offer.

Who are you?!

  • I like directing, editing and watching movies.
  • I like to play Call of Duty 4.
  • I like to play Rainbow Six Vegas 2
  • I LOVE going to Mr. G's class everyday.
  • There is no place like my real home.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Movies and Hispanics

Movies are adventures. I love to watch imagination become reality and the “good guy” comes out on top against the “bad guys”. When directing a film, you control the actors, you control the angles, and you control the movie. I control my life, but not like I would a movie, and it’s hard sometimes because I know things can be better.

I want to make films when I get older. I want to make people think about things and put smiles on people’s face. I always tell my friends that a movie about my life would be a bestseller at the movie box office. I would call it “Mi Lucha”. It would be a movie filled with all of life’s lessons and the hardships faced by a Puerto Rican kid growing up in Boston in a one bedroom apartment with two sisters, one who is also a teenage mother. In the end, this Puerto Rican still finds a way to the top and changes his world for the better.

I was raised under strict Puerto Rican and authoritarian, parents; I have been forced to strive for perfection. I have been taught to take advantage of my opportunities and to snatch them out of the air for myself so that I can provide for the people I love. I‘ve promised my mother a life that she has never had since I was five years old. She has provided for me and my two sisters since we were born and I intend to keep my promise to her.

Maybe my big money making movie will be a documentary on life in Puerto Rico where the reported homicide rates are higher than those found in New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago. Living on the island my freshman year of high school makes me want to go back and change things for the better. It is time to shed light on the situation. Puerto Rico is struggling, with high school dropout rates setting nationwide records, horrible public schools that are falling apart, and an absence of afterschool programs. I want to change the island’s course toward disaster and create a better place to live because it is my real home.

I want to go back to Puerto Rico to find a job and settle down with a family. With a degree, I could provide for my family and hopefully shape the change the community around me for the better. I would direct films that answer the questions that people may not want answered so that problems can be fixed.

Living in Puerto Rico changed my life. I came out responsible and mature. I had to live a year without my father living in the house and I grew up fast. Now that I have moved back to the states, I have been more independent and I have grown into a mature adult. I like to challenge myself and pursue the things that I am passionate about. I love making movies and hopefully I will make movies that will change the world.


Laurie's MY name said...

:( awww..mike!!! i <3 it, it's soo sweet. and that picture you have up top is hilarious :)

Mario R. 5 said...

wow mike i found your blog nice work on this paper but mines is better.

Michael R. 6 said...

My college essay may not have been my best piece of writing created but at the time, I felt like it was me and showed who I was and the things that I valued and that is what I tried to convey to the admissions people.